
In a rapidly changing global economy, unprecedented challenges are being faced as the energy and resources industry undergoes a radical change. Resources Industry across UK and Europe are not immune to these challenges. We believe that this is an apt time for the industry to adopt technological advances to develop new operating models and measures.

At TESTQ, Our in-depth industry knowledge and market insight helps clients with everything from valuation and risk management, globally and locally. Our expert consulting team equipped with broad network of contacts across the globe deliver the right service and the right advice at the right time to our clients and ensure that you receive a tailored advice and exceptional client service.


Our consultants help you to implement solutions that address the specific challenges faced by the industry. We help you to improve performance, comply with industry regulations, comply with environmental and safety norms, and take advantage of better asset utilization and improved production schedules.

At TESTQ, we create comprehensive and integrated business solutions for organisations in the UK and around the world. Our global and integrated approach combines insight and innovation with business and industry knowledge to help our clients excel anywhere in the world.

Key Challenges

In a fast-changing industry landscape, the challenges faced by the Resources industry can be summarized as below:

  • Increasing Commodity Prices
  • Impact of the Exchange Rate
  • Deregulation for Electricity
  • Rising input costs
  • Water Supply Safety
  • Changing Regulatory environment
  • Environmental Concerns

Understanding these risks, while working in down-trending market and emerging economies, is key to ensure that a business' risks are appropriately managed. This is where our consultants and our industry-leading solutions bring value to a business and ultimately its shareholders and investors.


" Current times are witnessing the biggest boom in the global Resources industry in the last 50 years driven primarily by large scale industrialization, urbanization of emerging economies and advances in technology. The demand for metals and other mineral resources is predicted to continue in coming decades as more and more nations join the growth story. On the other hand, as the global recession has badly affected the international economy, new economies are emerging as key internationa"


Our consultants are offer complete range of solutions spanning all the major segments of the industry that enables you to effectively manage resources and succeed in the time of advancing changes.

We serve the following segments:

  • Agriculture Business
  • Chemicals
  • Metal and Mining
  • Logistics
  • Metal Manufacturing
  • Sales and Distribution